Nuclear Plant Costs

A 2005 OECD comparative study showed that nuclear power had increased its competitiveness over the previous seven years. The principal changes since 1998 were increased nuclear plant capacity factors and rising gas prices. The study did not factor in any costs for carbon emissions from fossil fuel generators, and focused on over one hundred plants able to come on line 2010-15, including 13 nuclear plants. Nuclear overnight construction costs ranged from US$ 1000/kW in Czech Republic to $2500/kW in Japan, and averaged $1500/kW. Coal plants were costed at $1000-1500/kW, gas plants $500-1000/kW and wind capacity $1000-1500/kW.

OECD electricity generating cost projections for year 2010 on - 5% discount 
The following table is in US 2003 cents/kWh, considering a Discount rate of 5%,a 40 year lifetime, and a 85% load factor.
Source: OECD/IEA NEA 2005. 
